Wednesday, July 8, 2009

I've kept her alive a lot longer than any of my houseplants

But that's not really saying much.

We were at the doctor's office yesterday for Brooke's four-month checkup. When the nurse came in to check her vitals and such, she (the nurse, not Brooke) asked:

"Do you shave her head? Or does she just not have any hair yet?"

Uhhh, what? Do I shave her head? What kind of a question is that??

When I indicated that she just didn't have any hair yet, the nurse replied condescendingly:

"Well, don't worry about it. She'll get hair eventually."

I know. I wasn't worried about it. But now I guess I should be, lest someone think I'm shaving my baby's head.


Dirtius Wifius said...

I can't believe how insensitive some people are. People that are supposed to be professional! I mean, you kind of expect the people next to you at Walmart to say something stupid, but at the doctor's office... is it too much to ask that there's a little bit of professionalism?!

You should have said yes, that you do shave her head. Because you want her to be a skinhead or because you think those black models with no hair are the prettiest and make the most money. Or something like that.

momof5foxes said...

wow...I mean, seriously? WOW....people really are THAT dumb! I had an ER nurse question Cade's paternity because of his blood type, which is O-. I am O+ and Rob is B+....but anyone who paid even the slightest amount of attention during biology would know that that would be entirely possible. Some people are just missing the common sense/courtesy connection in their brains....ugh!

Amy said...

Wow...and she is a nurse? Nice. Someone asked my mom once if she permed my brothers hair. When he was 8 months old. My mom is like um...NO!

Unknown said...

She seriously asked you if you shaved her head? Do people do that?

@momodafoxes4-- I have a friend who has a negative blood type and her husband is negative too so she didn't want to get the rogam shot. The nurse told her she had to in case her husband wasn't really the father of the baby . . . .

Dirtius Wifius said...

So, tonight I was talking with a lady from Korea and she said it's a cultural thing to shave babies' heads so it'll grow in thicker. Apparently there are a couple of cultures that do that.

I would hope maybe that means the nurse was only wondering if you had some cultural reason for keeping her hair short. I'd like to believe she wasn't really being a jerk...

Vanessa said...

She's still cure, bald head and all - whether you shave it, or not.

And, I would LOVE to photograph Brooke!
Shoot me an email -

Vanessa said...

ummm - thats CUTE, not cure.

Shannon said...

K, time for a new post plz!